Our Team
Jordan Davis
Pastor/Head of Staff
Is a proud graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary. As an ordained teaching elder, Jordan has served on the Union Presbyterian Seminary staff as Church Relations Officer and as the Associate Pastor for Youth & Young Adults at Kirk of Kildaire, Presbyterian in Cary, NC. She is active within the varying ministries of New Hope Presbytery, with a special passion for supporting seminary students and younger pastors. At Saint Giles, Jordan especially enjoys spending time with members of all ages in the more informal settings - over a cup of coffee, walking around the campus, and laughing in the office.
Jordan was born and raised in Raleigh and is married to Marc. Together, they enjoy "going on adventures" with their daughter, creating new recipes in the kitchen, and embracing all that life has to offer.
Jordan has served with St. Giles since August 2022.
Noah Sigsworth
Choir Director
Noah is a choral conductor who has been working with church, collegiate, and community choirs in North Carolina for the last several years. He has a Masters in Choral Conducting from East Carolina University as well as a Bachelors in Instrumental Performance from High Point University. Noah is currently the Director of Beaufort County Choral Society and the Assistant Conductor of the Greenville Choral Society.
Previously, Noah has worked as Assistant Conductor at Jamestown United Methodist Church and St. James United Methodist Church. He strongly believes that choral music is a uniquely powerful medium which connects us to each other, to God, and to our community. Noah has composed music for choir, brass chamber ensembles, wind ensemble, and contemporary a cappella ensembles. He is an alumnus of The Cadets drum and bugle corps.
Noah is passionate about people, precise and meaningful communication, and music's power to change and transform lives.
Jim Hodge
Pastor Emeritus
Jim Hodge served Saint Giles from August 1998, until his retirement at the end of April 2012. He graduated from The Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was ordained in June 1972. He and his wife, Carol, served churches in Winter Haven, Florida, Elba, New York, and Bel Air, Maryland prior to coming to Raleigh. Carol and Jim have three grown sons, Greg, Phill, and Andy, and two grandchildren, Max and Violet. Upon his retirement, the congregation conferred the status of Pastor Emeritus on Jim. He continues to do a little preaching in retirement and can be seen, from time to time, enjoying his motorcycle or heading off in his camper.
Rachel Taylor
Director of Family Faith Formation Ministries
Rachel Taylor grew up attending West Raleigh Presbyterian and served on New Hope Youth Council from 2003-2005. She is a double graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill (BA and MSW) and earned her MDiv at that university down the road with dark blue. Her faith has been deeply shaped by serving with Americorps in Harlem and in the mountains of Appalachia, by living in several different intentional Christian communities, by serving in different leadership roles at a Mennonite church for 9 years, and by working at a family homeless shelter in Durham. During the week, she is an outpatient therapist at UNC serving teens and adults with psychotic disorders. She loves hiking, reading, playing with yarn, cooking, poking around her garden, caring for her bees and chickens, keeping up with family and long-term friends, collecting far too many children's books, and sneaking off to Montreat whenever she can. When he's not chasing after his sons, her boyfriend Clinton Dreisbach is working on a historical fiction novel about the life of Eutychus (Acts 20:7-12) as a meditation about the ways God is continually working out resurrection in each of our lives. She is excited about walking alongside children, youth, families, and the congregation of St. Giles as we explore together what the invitation of the gospel mean for each of us and for our shared life and common witness.
Web Payne
Office Administrator
Is a Raleigh, NC native who enjoys traveling, mid-century architecture, spending time with his family, and of course technology. He nurtured his love of graphic design and multimedia creativity at the School of Comm. Arts. After college, Web moved to Portland, Oregon for a while and was able to further his creativity by helping local churches and organizations with marketing designs and branding.
Web has been back in the triangle for the past few years where he has worked at both the local and state government levels. His previous full-time job was with a local green energy startup where he served in the role of Marketing Strategist/Designer.
Janet Wherry
Janet's musical abilities are not limited to the keyboard - she also plays clarinet and cello. Janet holds a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Miami University at Oxford, Ohio and a Master in Education from the University of Cincinnati.
Janet has been a member of Saint Giles since 2007 as an active member of our choir and mission ministry. As an ordained ruling elder, Janet is thrilled to answer her newest call in ministry in this way!