Children’s Ministry
Preschool - 5th Grade
We have enriching, caring programs for all of the children at Saint Giles. Our curriculum provide opportunities for children to see the love of God and the joy of Christian Community.
Whirl (Grades 2-5)
Whirl is a lectionary based Sunday School curriculum published by Sparkhouse, a division of Augsburg Fortress. The weekly curriculum includes a short animated video which introduces the scripture lesson and then provides discussion, questioning, writing and games/crafts to reinforce the lesson. If desired, parents can sign up and view the weekly stories.
Monthly Schedule
1st, 3rd Sundays - Lessons taken from the Whirl curriculum
2nd Sundays - A Craft based on the month's lessons
4th Sundays - Kids 4 Missions*(see below)
5th Sundays - Third lesson from the month's lectionary
What’s Kids 4 Mission?
This was started to teach the children the meaning of the passage which says "that inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me". Children and Youth both participate. Examples of projects include: Care packages for college age members, Thinking of You bags for shut-in members, Packing lunches for Brown Bag ministries, Little Library, Little Pantry, making and stocking, Placemats for Meals on Wheels, Baskets for new Habitat home owners, Bags of Love for the homeless.
Because children are so precious and fragile, we prioritize safety at Saint Giles. We value creating a space where kids feel emotionally, spiritually, and physically safe.
Saint Giles is a Safe Sanctuary Community. All teachers and volunteers working with youth or children must complete a Safe Sanctuary Form and submit to a background check.
Our classroom environment and child friendly activities are created to meet the needs and interests of the specific age and developmental stage each child is in. Our children are placed with consistent leaders and other kids their age where they can build friendships and grow.
Contact Children’s Ministry
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