Easter at Saint Giles
Palm Sunday Worship Service
Sunday, March 24 at 10:30am
Join us as we shout our Hosannas! and reflect on what it might have been like to be with Jesus during his final days.
Maundy Thursday Potluck Dinner & Worship
Thursday, March 28 at 5:30pm
Join us as we gather around the table for fellowship, worship, and communion on this night when we remember how Christ gathered with his disciples in a similar way, just before leaving for the garden to pray and begin the final steps toward his sacrificial death. Please bring a dish of food to share in our potluck meal!
Good Friday 7 Last Words of Christ (Station based Worship)
Friday, March 29 at 3:00pm
Easter at Saint Giles
Sunday, March 31 • Starts at 7:30am
7:30am Sunrise Worship on the patio outside of the sanctuary
8:00am - 10:00am Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
9:30am Easter Egg hunt
10:30am Worship (w/ communion)

Lenten Prayer and Reflection Group
This 30 minute session will offer space to grow and wonder with one another.

Christmas "Eve" Hike
You are also invited to join us for our annual Christmas Eve hike at Umstead State Park! We will gather at 9am in the parking lot to hike, and close with hot chocolate and a brief devotion.
Be sure to bring your water bottles.

Centering Prayer
Our Centering Prayer Group meets each Wednesday on zoom for silent contemplative prayer, then joining together to pray as a group. Click here if you are interesting in joining and would like the zoom info.

Summer Worship and Study Series: Anything But Ordinary
Sunday Worship - Every Sunday at 10:30am (Sanctuary)
Prayer & Bible Study - Every Tuesday at 7:00pm (Adult Center Parlor)
June 6 - August 22 (no meeting on July 4)
The summer is considered a season of Ordinary Time in the life of the Church—a season in between the mystifying resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and Jesus’ birth, visited anew, at Advent. This summer, we will dig deeper into the family narratives of Abraham, which are stories that make the title “ordinary” seem laughable.
Ordinary time is punctuated by a God who keeps showing up—persistently, creatively, and lovingly—in ways that are surprising, transformative, joyful, reconciling, and unifying. The movement of the Spirit is anything but ordinary.
-adapted from www.sanctifiedart.org-

Children and Youth Sunday - May 21st
You will want to be sure to be here this Sunday when our youth lead us in worship! We look forward to learning from them as they share their own faith with us through the reading and proclamation of the Word. We will also recognize our dedicated Sunday School teachers during worship! Join us for a reception following worship as we celebrate the end of the year with them and give thanks for all the ways this path has taken us this year.