Holy Week and Easter Events

Palm Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, March 24 at 10:30am

Join us as we shout our Hosannas! and reflect on what it might have been like to be with Jesus during his final days.

Maundy Thursday Potluck Dinner & Worship

Thursday, March 28 at 5:30pm

Join us as we gather around the table for fellowship, worship, and communion on this night when we remember how Christ gathered with his disciples in a similar way, just before leaving for the garden to pray and begin the final steps toward his sacrificial death. Please bring a dish of food to share in our potluck meal!

Good Friday 7 Last Words of Christ (Station based Worship)

Friday, March 29 at 3:00pm

Easter at Saint Giles

Sunday, March 31 • Starts at 7:30am

7:30am Sunrise Worship on the patio outside of the sanctuary

8:00am - 10:00am Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall

9:30am Easter Egg hunt

10:30am Worship (w/ communion)